Ray's musings and humor

We will be OK

Ray’s Daily

March 12, 2020


“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again.”

Victor Hugo


The global impact of the Coronavirus continues to take its tool and people all over the world. Country after country has had to take a number of steps to mitigate the epidemic. Unfortunately even folks not infected have suffered financial loss to the point that some are having difficulty just taking care of themselves and their families.

We all have been asked to do what we can to protect ourselves and others from becoming infected. I am like lots of others who find it difficult to break old habits while minimizing human contact. I have the advantage of not needing to to get out to work or fulfill other obligations.

I have health issues that places me in the highest at-risk category but I will do my part to stay well while enjoying what I can do. I have me medicines, plenty of food, my computer and the ability to communicate with friends and family.

So while my nest egg has shrunk a bit I am confident that it will work out and I am doing fine. I hope you are as well. I feel like I am like the guy in the following story.

When the wind blows!

Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands, however, most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops.

As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received a steady stream of refusals. Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. ‘Are you a good farm hand?’ the farmer asked him.

‘Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,’ answered the little man. Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help decided to hired him.

The little man worked well around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt well satisfied with the his work. Then one night the wind howled in loudly from offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, ‘Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!’

The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, ‘No sir, told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.’

Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens were in the coop and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down. Nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.

Moral: When you’re prepared spiritually, mentally and physically, you have nothing to fear. Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?

Author Unknown


No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

Maya Angelou


Patient:  It isn’t possible that I’m as overweight as you say I am.

Doctor:  Maybe you would prefer to look at it in a different way.  According to this chart, you’re about 10 inches too short.


Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door.


A troop of Boy Scouts was being used as “guinea pigs” in a test of emergency systems. A mock earthquake was staged, and the Scouts impersonated wounded persons who were to be picked up and cared for by the emergency units.

One Scout was supposed to lie on the ground and await his rescuers, but the first-aid people got behind schedule, and the Scout lay “wounded” for several hours.

When the first-aid squad arrived where the casualty was supposed to be, they found nothing but a brief note: “Have bled to death and gone home.”


“Little minds are interested in the extraordinary; great minds in the commonplace.”

Elbert Hubbard


The flower vendor was an old hand at unloading his last few bunches. Appealing to a businessman on his way home, the vendor said, “How about a nice bunch of roses to surprise your wife?”

“Haven’t got a wife,” responded the businessman gruffly.

“Then how about some carnations for your girlfriend?” proposed the vendor without missing a beat.

“Haven’t got a girlfriend.”

“You lucky guy!” The vendor broke into a big smile. “Buy both bunches to celebrate!”


How come wrong numbers are never busy?


The ninety five year old woman at the nursing home received a visit from one of her fellow church members.

“How are you feeling?” the visitor asked.

“Oh,” said the lady, “I’m just worried sick!”

“What are you worried about, dear?” her friend asked. “You look like you’re in good health. They are taking care of you, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are taking very good care of me.”

“Are you in any pain?” she asked.

“No, I have never had a pain in my life.”

“Well, what are you worried about?” her friend asked again.

The lady leaned back in her rocking chair and slowly explained her major worry – “Every close friend I ever had has already died and gone on to heaven. I’m afraid they’re all wondering where I went and why.”


I’m tired of reality – I want a fairy godmother!


Mrs. Smith was in the habit of having long conversations on the telephone, sometimes going on over an hour. One day she hung up after only 25 minutes.

“What’s the matter?” asked her husband. “You had less than half an hour conversation on the phone.”

“I got a wrong number,” replied Mrs. Smith.


“As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it, or leave it.”

Buddy Hackett


A newsboy was standing on the corner with a stack of papers, yelling, “Read all about it.  Fifty people swindled!  Fifty people swindled!”

Curious, a man walked over, bought a paper, and checked the front page.  Finding nothing, the man said, “There’s nothing in here about fifty people being swindled.”

The newsboy ignored him and went on, calling out, “Read all about it. Fifty-one people swindled!”


“Everybody goes through difficult times, but it is those who push through those difficult times who will eventually become successful in life. Don’t give up, because this too shall pass.”

Jeanette Coron


Ray Mitchell

Indianapolis, Indiana

Management is not responsible for duplicates from previous dailies. The editor is somewhat senile.

Ray’s Daily has been sent for more than fifteen years to people who want to start their day on an upbeat. If you have system overload because of our daily clutter, let me know and I will send you the information via mental telepathy. If you have not been getting our daily you can request to be added by e-mailing me at raykiwsp@gmail.com. Back issues are posted at http://rays-daily,com/ currently there are more than 2000 readers from around the world.



Comments on: "We will be OK" (1)

  1. you are so right, ray. thank you for your positive message.

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