Ray's musings and humor


Ray’s Daily

August 20, 2018


Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.

Napoleon Hill

Don't Wait

While both my wife and me regret leaving our home that has provided us so much pleasure it is the time to do so. The senior facility we are moving to will provide us a more comfortable existence and new friends. Too many folks wait too long, often finding themselves taken to a place they would rather not be.

I have found over the years that the best things in my life happened because I was not reluctant to take the next step. If I could only provide one piece of advice to the younger generation it would be, “Don’t Wait” for opportunity will not stop to allow you time to catch up.

Here is a story that I like and I hope you will too.

Dance Like No One’s Watching

by Crystal Boyd

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we’re frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when they are. After that, we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We’ll certainly be happy when they’re out of that stage.

We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?

Your life will always be filled with challenges. It’s best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, “For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin – real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with…and remember that time waits for no one.

So, stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you’re off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you’ve had a drink, until you’ve sobered up, until you die, until you’re born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.


“Don’t wait for what you don’t have. Use what you have, begin now and what you don’t even expect will come alongside with excess of what you expect. Go, make it happen.”

Israelmore Ayivor


A man stubbed his toe so badly he decided to go to the doctor. When he arrived at the office, the nurse directed him to remove his clothes and wait in the next room.

“I just hurt my toe,” complained the man. “Why do I need to take off my clothes?”

“Everyone who sees the doctor has to undress,” explained the nurse politely. “It’s our policy.”

“Well, I think it’s a stupid policy! Making me undress just to look at my toe! Geeez!”

From the next room another man’s voice piped up. . .

“That’s nothing! I just came here to fix the telephone!”


“If you can’t find the time to do it right the first time, when will you find the time to do it over?”


Morris realized he needed to purchase a hearing aid, but he felt unwilling to spend much money. “How much do they cost?” he asked the salesperson.

“That depends,” he said. “They run from $2.00 to $2,000.”

“Let’s see the $2.00 model,” said Morris the miser.

The salesperson put the device around Morris’ neck. “You just stick this button in your ear and run this little string down to your pocket,” he instructed.

“How does it work?” , asked Morris.

“For $2.00 it doesn’t work,” the salesperson replied. “But when people see it on you, they’ll talk louder.”


It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.


A woman was complaining to the neighbor that her husband always came home late, no matter how she tried to stop him.

“Take my advice,” said the neighbor, “and do what I did. Once my husband came home at three o’clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: “Is that you, Jim?” And that cured him. “Cured him,” asked the woman, “but how?” The neighbor said, “You see, his name is Bill.”


Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

Earl Nightingale


Ray Mitchell

Indianapolis, Indiana

Management is not responsible for duplicates from previous dailies. The editor is somewhat senile.

Ray’s Daily has been sent for more than fifteen years to people who want to start their day on an upbeat. If you have system overload because of our daily clutter, let me know and I will send you the information via mental telepathy. If you have not been getting our daily you can request to be added by e-mailing me at raykiwsp@gmail.com. Back issues are posted at http://rays-daily,com/ currently there are more than 2000 readers from around the world.


Comments on: "Don’t" (1)

  1. Really nicely said …. Thanks !

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